Edna Ferber (August 15, 1885 – April 16, 1968) was an American nove list , author and play wright.Ferber's novels generally featured strong female protagonists, although she fleshed out multiple characters in each book. She usually high light ed at least one strong secondary character who faced discrimination ethnically or for other reasons; through this technique, Ferber demonstrated her belief that people are people and that the not-so-pretty persons have the best character.
《Buttered Side Down》是 美国 作家艾德娜-费勃(Edna Ferber)的 短篇 小说 集。费勃的小说通常会以一位很强的 女性 为主角,同时也包括其他一些有血有肉的 人物 角色。
Edna Ferber (August 15, 1885 – April 16, 1968) was an American novelist, author and playwright.
Ferber's novels generally featured strong female protagonists, although she fleshed out multiple characters in each book. She usually highlighted at least one strong secondary character who faced discrimination ethnically or for other reasons; through this technique, Ferber demonstra...