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No-Limit Hold 'em For Advanced Players

出版刊物 2025-01-08 755 0


Matthew Janda has had an interest in card games his entire life, and began play ing poker with friends in high school before playing online cash games in college. While originally studying business economics at UCLA, a game theory course sparked his interest in poker theory and optimal play.
After Black Friday in 2011, Matt began transitioning from playing poker to pursuing medicine. He s now a 4th year podiatry student at Samuel Merritt University and studying to be a podiatric surgeon. While he has much less time for poker now than he did in the past, discussing poker theory remains his favorite hobby as it s too enjoyable to rea list ically call it a job. He currently makes theory oriented video s for CardRunners and teaches math and poker theory to player s from all around the world.
This is his second book for Two Plus Two Publishing LLC. His first book, Applications of No-Limit Hold em; a Guide to Understanding Theoretical Sound Poker, was well received and is considered one of the most important book in this field by many players.

No-Limit Hold 'em For Advanced Players


In 2003 poker was put on television and no-limit hold em quick ly became the most popular form of poker played in casinos, public cardrooms, and on the Internet. At first, because of the newness of the game to most participants, they could be easily be beaten by players with only a moderate knowl edge of sophisticated strategy. But today, this is no longer the case.

Even though no-limit hold em is not, from a Game Theory perspective, a solved game, many ideas and concepts which come from this branch of mathematics now play an important role in a strong, winning no-limit hold em strategy. But it s also important for the expert player to know when to leave what is known about optimal play and switch to exploitative strategies to maximize his profit. And this brings us to No-Limit Hold em for Advanced Players, Emphasis on Tough Games by Matthew Janda.

In this text, Janda spends much time discussing sophisticated strategies that should be employed against tough opposition, some of which has never been published before. He then supports his ideas with the modern advanced soft ware programs of PokerSnowie and PioSOLVER. Topics covered include, but not limited to, Linear, Condensed, and Polarized Ranges, Raising First In As the Button, Understanding High Variance Plays, Turn Play and Overbets, Understanding Counter Strategies, Opening Frequencies Based on Stack Depth, Playing Short in Button vs Big Blind Situations, and Denying Your Opponents Equity While Realizing Ours.

Matthew Janda has had an interest in card games his entire life, and began playing poker with friends in high school before playing online cash games in college. While originally studying business economics at UCLA, a game theory course sparked his interest in poker theory and optimal play.

After Black Friday in 2011, Matt began transitioning from playing poker to pursuing medi...





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