Expanded and updated exclusively for graduates just entering the workforce, this extra ordinary edition of Lean In includes a letter to graduates from Sheryl Sandberg and six additional chapters from experts offering advice on finding and getting the most out of a first job; résumé writing; best interviewing practices; negotiating your salary; list ening to your inner voice; owning who you are; and leaning in for millennial men.
In 20 1 3, Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In became a massive cultural phenomenon and its title became an instant catchphrase for empowering women. The book soared to the top of best-seller lists both nationally and internationally, igniting global conversations about women and ambition. Sandberg packed theaters, dominated op-ed pages, appeared on every major television show and on the cover of Time magazine, and sparked ferocious debate about women and leadership. Now, this enhance d edition provides the entire text of the original book updated with more recent statistics and features a passionate letter from Sandberg encouraging graduates to find and commit to work they love. A combination of inspiration and practical advice, this new edition will speak directly to graduates and, like the original, will change live s.
New Material for the Graduate Edition:
· A Letter to Graduates from Sheryl Sandberg
· Find Your First Job, by Mindy Levy (Levy has more than twenty years of experience in all phases of organizational management and holds degrees from Wharton and Penn)
· Negotiate Your Salary, by Kim Keating (Keating is the founder and managing director of Keating Advisors)
· Man Up: Millennial Men and Equality, by Kunal Modi (Modi is a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a recent graduate of Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School)
· Leaning In Together, by Rachel Thomas (Thomas is the president of Lean In)
· Own Who You Are, by Mellody Hobson (Hobson is the president of Ariel Investments)
· Listen to Your Inner Voice, by Rachel Simmons (Simmons is cofounder of the Girls Leadership Institute)
· 12 Lean In stories ( 5 00- word essays), by reader s around the world who have been inspired by Sandberg
1969年8月26日出生于华盛顿。曾任克林顿政府 财政 部长办公厅主任、 谷歌 全球 在线 销售 和 运营 部门副总裁。现任Facebook首席运营官,被媒体称为“Facebook的第一夫人”,她也是第一位进入Facebook董事会的 女性 成员。同时,她还是福布斯上榜的前50名“最有力量”的 商业 女精英之一。2013年,她荣登《时代周刊》杂志封面,并被《时代》杂志评为全球最具影响力的 人物 。目前,她已经成为千百万女性眼中集 家庭 与事业于一身的 成功 典范。