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The House of Mirth

出版刊物 2025-01-08 614 0

The House of Mirth


The House of Mirth tells the story of Lily Bart, aged 29, beautiful, impoverished and in need of a rich husband to safeguard her place in the social elite, and to support her expensive habits - her clothes, her charities and her gambling. Unwilling to marry without both love and money, Lily becomes vulnerable to the kind of gossip and slander which attach to a girl who has been on the marriage market for too long. Wharton charts the course of Lily's life, providing, along the way, a wider picture of a society in transition, a rapidly changing New York where the old certainties of manners, morals and family have disappeared and the individual has become an expendable commodity.

美国 小说 家,以描写她所处的上层 社会 的故事而闻名。华顿于 1 9世纪90 年代 起以创作短篇小说为开端,正式开始了 写作 生涯,在世纪之交又涉足长篇小说的写作。1909年,小说《欢乐之家》出版后,立即引起文坛瞩目,《The House of Mirth》曾位于畅销书排行榜之首长达4个月之久。1920年出版的《纯真年代》被许多评论家视为华顿最优秀的作品,她因此赢得了1921年的普利策小说奖。华顿是第一位荣膺这个奖项的 女性 作家。她一生笔耕不辍,堪称高产。主要作品还有:《伊坦·弗洛美》《暗礁》《乡村习俗》《夏天》《月亮的隐现》。




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