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This Moose Belongs to Me

出版刊物 2025-01-07 729 0

This Moose Belongs to Me


WINNER of the Irish Book Awards Children's Book of the Year 2012 and the Honour Award for Illustration from Childrens' Books Ireland, 2013. An exquisite new book, featuring a boy and his moose, from internationally bestselling, multi-prize-winning picture book creator, O live r Jeffers. "Wilfred owned a moose. He hadn't always owned a moose. The moose came to him a while ago and he knew, just KNEW, that it was meant to be his. He thought he would call him Marcel." Most of the time Marcel is very obedient, abiding by the many rules on How to Be a Good Pet. But one dark day, while deep in the woods, someone else claims the moose as their own...Is Marcel really Wilfred's pet after all? An beautifully-illustrated, witty and thought-provoking story, exploring the concept of ownership.

奥利弗·杰夫斯是 英国 著名的青年童书创作人。生于澳大利亚, 成长 于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特 (Bel fast )。英国新世纪10大图画书作家之一。这样一位才华洋溢的画家,最初启发他创作 儿童 绘本 的动机却是因为──没有人相信他所做的事。1995到1998年,奥利弗以自由画家的身分在贝尔法斯特开过几次小型画展,帮当地出版社 设计 书封。2004年,《摘星的日子》出版,从此他的作品几乎荣获了英国大大小小的各种童书奖项,成为英国乃至 全球 童书创作界的一颗超新星。2007年,奥利弗杰弗斯成为联合国教科文组织 世界 读书 日官方指定画家。目前为止,奥利弗杰弗斯的作品在英国的累积销量超过了200万册,图书版权 销售 到全球17个国家和地区。





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