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The Love of a Good Woman

出版刊物 2025-01-07 601 0

The Love of a Good Woman


In eight new stories, a master of the form extends and magnifies her great themes--the vagaries of love, the passion that leads down unexpected paths, the chaos hovering just under the surface of things, and the strange, often comical desires of the human heart.

Time stretches out in some of the stories: a man and a woman look back fort y years to the summer they met--the summer, as it turns out, that the true nature of their live s was revealed. In others time is telescoped: a young girl finds in the course of an evening that the mother she adores, and whose fluttery sexuality she hopes to emulate, will not sustain her--she must count on herself.

Some choices are made--in a will, in a decision to leave home--with irrevocable and surprising consequences. At other times disaster is courted or barely skirted: when a mother has a startling dream about her baby; when a woman, driving her grandchildren to visit the lakeside haunts of her youth, starts a game that could have dangerous consequences. The rich layering that gives Alice Munro's work so strong a sense of life is particularly apparent in the title story, in which the death of a local optometrist brings an entire town into focus--from the preadolescent boys who find his body, to the man who probably killed him, to the woman who must decide what to do about what she might know. Large, moving, profound--these are stories that extend the limits of fiction.

艾丽丝•门罗(Alice Munro,1931— )

加拿大 女作家, 当代 短篇 小说 大师,2013年诺贝尔 文学 奖得主。少女时代即开始 写作 ,37岁时出版第一部作品。她一生专注于中短篇小说创作,讲述小地方普通人特别是 女性 隐含悲剧的平常 生活 ,以细腻透彻又波澜不惊的话语,洞见 人性 的幽微处。





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