A brilliant new guide to understanding the origins of code pendence and the path to recovery by a nationally recognized authority on dependency and addiction. In this fresh new look at codependence, Pia Mellody traces the origins of this illness back to childhood, describing a whole range of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, and sexual abuses. Because of these earlier experiences, codependent adults often lack the skills necessary to lead mature live s and have satisfying relationships. Recovery from codependence comes from clearing up the toxic feelings left over from childhood and learning to reparent oneself by intervening on the adult symptoms of codependence. Central to Mellody's concept is the idea of the "precious child" that needs healing within each adult. She creates a framework for identifying codependent behavior and describes an effective approach to recovery that includes both therapy and self-help processes. Designed to be used with her new workbook for codependents, Breaking Free, this is a powerful tool for understanding the nature of codependence.
皮亚·梅洛蒂(Pia Mellody)
国际知名创伤、情感虐待和成瘾专家,专攻源自童年的 情绪 失调问题。她是梅多斯治疗中心的领军 人物 ,该中心是全美最受关注的创伤治疗机构之一。皮亚创立的康复 工作 坊帮助了来自全 世界 的人。她著有多部畅销书,均被翻译为多种 语言 ,如《依赖症,再见!》《爱恋成瘾,再见!》《亲密元素》《找回自由》等。
安德烈亚·威尔斯·米勒(Andrea Wells Miller)
J. 基思·米勒(J. Keith Miller)
著名 演讲 者、教师和畅销书作家,著有20多部图书,包括《渴望疗愈》《被迫控制》等。
常邵辰 心理 咨询师,现工作于 美国 加州圣何塞。曾在美国梅多斯治疗中心工作,支持和帮助被创伤相关症状所困扰的患者。