《电子电路基础(中 英文 )》内容简介:This book is a Chinese-English bilingual teaching material for use in the courses of "Electronic and CircuitFoundation" ,"Fundamentals of Analog Circuits" for electronic and info rmation professions, which is taught byEnglish mainly or Chinese and English both. This book is designed with valuable teaching experience from theteachers of "Electronic and Circuit Foundation" in the International School of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. This book is designed concisely and gives more attention to the contents and teaching plan for Chinese tradition and is suitable for teaching and experimenting within 40~68 hours.
This book includes semiconductor basis and diodes, bipolar junction transistors and basic BJT amplifiers,field-effect transistors and basic amplifiers, differential and multistage IC amplifiers, frequency response, feed-back amplifiers, power amplifiers, operational amplifiers and comparators and six electronic technology experi-ments. This book pays attention to basic theory and analysis methods for analog circuits, and emphasize on thecombination of theory analysis and experiments. The Chinese contents are consistent with the English content,with sufficient examples as a good reference for students and professional engineers.