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推荐语 :

《解苦心钥》于2019年6月由 宗教 文化 出版社出版发行。《解苦心钥》是泰国隆波帕默尊者在 中国 公开出版的第一部法谈录。书中收录的16篇文章,是尊者于不同 时间 和不同地点的佛法开示。

晚年出家的隆波帕默尊者深谙 现代 人的 生活 节奏、 心理思维 模式,其教导直白细腻、清晰全面。在这《解苦心钥》里,尊者用简单、诙谐的 语言 为实践者点明并展开了一条实修之路。同时,尊者还慈悲引导实践者去廓清修行路上的每一步,包括误区与导正之法,并平等开放地面对不同 方法 之间的差异,指出修行表相下的核心原则——有觉性,以安住且中立的心,照见身心的实相。

《解苦心钥》法谈集中阐述了何为觉性,以及如何发展觉性;何为安住且中立的心,以及如何训练让心安住且中立;何为身心实相,以及怎样去照见身心的实相;以及如何让修行与日常生活水乳交融,让处于 信息 时代、 工作 和生活都异常紧张忙碌的现代人能够比较容易着手实践,并从中获得真正受用的 心灵 利益。经由尊者智慧与经验的鲜活传递,在数十年间,越来越多的实践者获得了进步与突破, 生命 发生了很大的改变。《解苦心钥》的出版,目的就是希望有缘读到《解苦心钥》的人能够借此获得灵感与启示,走上一条“离苦之路”。

禅 窗


Editor’s fore word :

《The key to the cessation of suffering》was published by the Publishing House of Religion & Culture (China) in June 2019. This book, a collection of dhamma talks by Luang Por Pramote Pamojjo, is the very first of its kind that is officially & publicly published in China. The 16 dhamma talks collected in this book, were dhamma talks given by Luang Por at various locations in the past few years.

Ordained as a monk in his late 40’s, Luang Por is keenly aware of the pace of life & way of thinking of the modern society; his teaching is direct yet very subtle, is clear and very comprehensive. The dhamma talks in this book lit up a path for practitioners in a concise yet humorous manner. Luang Por (in these dhamma talks) has mapped out critical stages along the path, including pitfalls & mitigation / self-help plans. Meanwhile, recognising the differences among various ways / lineages of practice, Luang Por summarises the essence of dhamma practice as the following: be aware of (the) matter and (the) mind as they truly are, with a stable and equanimous mind.

This book explains what “mindfulness” is about as well as how to develop it, what correct samathi is about as well as how to train the mind to attain it, what truth about the matter & mind is about as well as how to learn it. Further, the book suggests how best to blend dhamma practice into daily life, allowing the busy modern society an easy start and the ability to reap the real benefit from the dhamma practice.

Thanks to the vivid teachings of Luang Por; within just a few decades, more & more practitioners have made progress, some with life-changing breakthroughs. The objective of this book, is for those who are able to connect with the insights & inspiration of dhamma, to embark on the path to the cessation of suffering.

The Window to the Dhamma (Chinese team)

July 16th, 2019





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