Philipp Bagus is an associate professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is an associate scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and was awarded the 2011 O.P. Alford III Prize in Libertarian Scholarship. He is the author of The Tragedy of the Euro and coauthor of Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse. The Tragedy of the Euro has so far been translate d and published in German, French, Slovak, Polish, Italian, Romanian, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, British English, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, and Chinese.网站:http://www.philippbagus.com/
推特:https:// twitter .com/philippbagus
菲利普·巴格斯是 西班牙 胡安卡洛斯大学 经济 系副教授。
《欧元的悲剧》阐述了欧元 设计 引入的来龙去脉,并运用“公地悲剧”理论作为分析框架,剖析了欧元制度设计中的缺陷,展望了欧元和欧债危机的 未来 前景。中文翻译质量高,生动流畅,如行云流水。无论是对普通读者了解 货币 和欧元的相关知识,还是对专业 投资 者操作欧元等外汇投资而言,《欧元的悲剧》都将带来难得的 阅读 享受和巨大收获。
Philipp Bagus is an associate professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is an associate scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and was awarded the 2011 O.P. Alford III Prize in Libertarian Scholarship. He is the author of The Tragedy of the Euro and coauthor of Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse. The Tragedy of the Euro has so far been translated and published in Ge...