Girls with Asperger's Syndrome are less frequently diagnosed than boys, and even once symptoms have been recognised, help is often not readily available. The image of coping well presented by AS females of any age can often mask difficulties, deficits, challenges, and loneliness. This is a must-have handbook written by an Aspergirl for Aspergirls, young and old. Rudy Simone guides you through every aspect of both personal and professional life, from early recollections of blame, guilt, and savant skills, to friendships, romance and marriage. Employment, care er, rituals and routines are also covered, along with depression, meltdowns and being misunderstood. Including the reflections of over thirty-five women diagnosed as on the spectrum, as well as some partners and parents, Rudy identifies recurring struggles and areas where Aspergirls need validation, info rmation and advice. As they recount their stories, anecdotes, and wisdom, she high light s how differences between males and females on the spectrum are mostly a matter of perception, rejecting negative views of Aspergirls and empowering them to lead happy and fulfilled live s. This book will be essential reading for females of any age diagnosed with AS, and those who think they might be on the spectrum. It will also be of interest to partners and loved ones of Aspergirls, and anybody interested either professionally or academically in Asperger's Syndrome.
露迪•西蒙,阿斯伯格症 心理 咨询师,作家,歌手。她本人也是一个阿斯女,陆续出版了有关阿斯伯格人群的多部著作,她致力于在主流 社会 和阿斯群体之间架起 沟通 的桥梁。作品获得许多奖项,被译成法、德、日等多国 语言 ,在 欧美 的心 理学 界和大众读者中拥有很高人气。2012年年底曾在 韩国 首尔 世界 知识论坛上发表专题 演讲 。她常年游历各国讲学,现居住在旧金山。著有《你好,我是阿斯伯格女孩》《你好,我是阿斯伯格员工》。