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10 Ways to Stay Broke... Forever

出版刊物 2024-12-08 1144 0

10 Ways to Stay Broke... Forever


How to change your free -spending ways, live luxuriously on a budget, and build a sound financial future From the founders of GoldenGirlFinance.ca comes a new book on how to get your financial house in order and enjoy the freedom and happiness that comes with a secure financial future. In 10 Ways to Stay Broke...Forever , you'll learn why focusing on living well now is almost always a path to poverty later. You might have a new car, a beautiful house, and a wardrobe to die for, but you're shortchanging yourself if you haven't started saving and investing for retirement. In 10 Ways to Stay Broke ...Forever , personal finance guru s Laura McDonald and Susan Misner show you how to start planning for tomorrow today. With simple guidance and straight talk about finances, they explain the things women do to stay broke and what you should do instead. From the founders of GoldenGirlFinance.ca, the leading personal finance site for Canadian women Written in an engaging, accessing, and conversational style that takes the fear out of the complex world of finance Features practical, action able advice for taking control of your personal finances with real-life examples and handy tools Having money in your pocket is a great feeling. But there's no more amazing feeling than financial security. Having money in the bank means having power, possibility, and opport unit y--and nothing feels better than that!





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