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The Year of the Flood

出版刊物 2024-12-07 952 0


Margaret Atwood was born in 1939 in Ottawa and grew up in northern Ontario, Quebec, and Toronto. She received her undergraduate degree from Victoria College at the University of Toronto and her master 's degree from Radcliffe College.
Throughout her writing care er, Margaret Atwood has received numerous awards and honourary degrees. She is the author of more than thirty-five volumes of poetry, children’s literature, fiction, and non-fiction and is perhaps best known for her novels, which include The Edible Woman (1970), The Handmaid's Tale (1983), The Robber Bride (1994), Alias Grace (1996), and The Blind Assassin, which won the prestigious Booker Prize in 2000. Atwood's dystopic novel, Oryx and Crake, was published in 2003. The Tent (mini-fictions) and Moral Disorder (short stories) both appeared in 2006. Her most recent volume of poetry, The Door, was published in 2007. Her non-fiction book, Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth in the Massey series, appeared in 2008, and her most recent novel, The Year of the Flood, in the autumn of 2009. Ms. Atwood's work has been published in more than fort y languages, including Farsi, Japanese, Turkish, Finnish, Korean, Icelandic and Estonian. In 2004 she co-invented the Long Pen TM.
Margaret Atwood currently live s in Toronto with writer Graeme Gibson.
Associations: Margaret Atwood was President of the Writers' Union of Canada from May 1981 to May 1982, and was President of International P.E.N., Canadian Centre (English Speaking) from 1984-1986. She and Graeme Gibson are the Joint Honourary Presidents of the Rare Bird Society within BirdLife International. Ms. Atwood is also a current Vice-President of PEN International.

The Year of the Flood


The times and species have been changing at a rapid rate, and thesocial compact is wearing as thin as environmental stability. AdamOne, the kindly leader of the God’s Gardeners–a religion devotedto the melding of science and religion, as well as the preservationof all plant and animal life–has long predicted a natural disasterthat will alter Earth as we know it. Now it has occurred,obliterating most human life. Two women have survived: Ren, a youngtrapeze dancer locked inside the high-end sex club Scales andTails, and Toby, a God’s Gardener barricaded inside a luxurious spawhere many of the treatments are edible.Have others survived? Ren’s bioartist friend Amanda? Zeb, hereco-fighter stepfather? Her onetime lover, Jimmy? Or the murderousPainballers, survivors of the mutual-elimination Painball prison?Not to mention the shadowy, corrupt policing force of the rulingpowers…Meanwhile, gene-spliced life forms are proliferating: thelion/lamb blends, the Mo’hair sheep with human hair, the pigs withhuman brain tissue. As Adam One and his intrepid hemp-clad bandmake their way through this strange new world, Ren and Toby willhave to decide on their next move. They can’t stay lockedaway…By turns dark, tender, violent, thoughtful, and uneasilyhilarious, The Year of the Flood is Atwood at her most brilliantand inventive.





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