ASHWIN PAJANKAR is a polymath. He has more than two decades of programming experience. He is a Science Popularizer, a Programmer, a Maker, an Author, and a Youtuber. He is passionate about STEM .(Science-Technology-Education-Mathematics) education. He is also a free lance soft ware developer and technology trainer. He graduated from IIIT Hyderabad with M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering. He has worked in a few multinational corporations including Cisco Systems and Cognizant for more than a decade.
The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on code examples. To make the topics more comprehensive, screen shots and code samples are furnished extensively throughout the book. The book is conceptualized and written in such a way that the beginner reader s will find it very easy to understand the concepts and implement the programs.
The book also features the most current version of Raspberry Pi and associated software with it. This book teaches novice beginners how to write interesting image processing programs with scientific Python ecosystem. The book will also be helpful to experienced professional s to make transition to rewarding care ers in scientific Python and computer vision.
ASHWIN PAJANKAR is a polymath. He has more than two decades of programming experience. He is a Science Popularizer, a Programmer, a Maker, an Author, and a Youtuber. He is passionate about STEM .
(Science-Technology-Education-Mathematics) education. He is also a freelance software developer and technology trainer. He graduated from IIIT Hyderabad with M.Tech. in Computer Scienc...