Tod Hackett is a brilliant young artist - and a man in danger of losing his heart. Brought to an LA studio as a set-designer, he is soon caught up in a fantasy world where the cult of celebrity rules. But when he becomes besotted by the beautiful Faye, an aspiring actress and occasional call-girl, his dream rapidly becomes a nightmare. For, with little in the way of looks and no money to buy her time, Tod's desperate passion can only lead to frustration, disillusionment and rage.
1903年生于纽约的一个犹太 家庭 ,父母为来自俄属立陶宛的犹太移民,生长于 美国 的韦斯特乃家中独子,背负着父母对这块新大陆怀抱的美国梦。他一生共 出版 四部 小说 ,1939年出版的《蝗灾之日》是生前最厚也是最后的一部小说,《The Day of the Locust》直陈好莱坞成名梦背后并不光鲜亮丽的真相,刻画美国群众的集体幻灭,被誉为好莱坞小说中的罕见杰作。
韦斯特在世时从未享有盛名,只获得少数评论家注意。195 7 年,美国出版商出版《韦斯特全集》,方使韦斯特渐为人知,《寂寞芳心小姐》与《蝗灾之日》更双双列入美国 现代 文学 经典 ,进而译成十数种 语言 ,备受推崇,影响深远。