William Gibson is the author of Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Over drive , Burning Chrome, Virtual Light, Idoru, All Tomorrow's Parties, and Pattern Recognition.Biography
Science fiction owes an enormous debt to William Gibson, the cyberpunk pioneer who revolutionized the genre with his startling stories of tough, alienated loners adrift in a world of sinister high technology.
Gibson was born in Conway, South Carolina, and spent much of his youth in Virginia with his widowed mother. He grew up shy and bookish, discovering science fiction and the literature of the beats at a precociously early age. When he was 15, he was sent away to private school in Arizona, but he left without graduating when his mother died suddenly. He fled to Canada to avoid the draft and immersed himself in '60s counterculture. He married, moved to British Columbia, and enrolled in college, graduating in 1977 with a degree in English. Around this time he began to write in earnest, combining his lifelong love of science fiction and his newfound passion for the punk music evolving in New York and London.
In the early 1980s, Gibson met writer and punk musician John Shirley and sci-fi authors Lewis Shiner and Bruce Sterling. All three were blown away by the power and originality of Gibson's stories, and together the four men went on to forge a radical new literary movement called cyberpunk. In 1984, Gibson's groundbreaking first novel, Neuromancer, was published. Daring and revolutionary, it envisioned such techno-marvels as AI, virtual reality, genetic engineering, and multinational capitalism years before they became realities. Although it was not an im media te sensation, Neuromancer struck a chord with hardcore sci-fi fans who turned it into a word -of-mouth hit. Then it won the Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick Awards (the Triple Crown of Science Fiction), catapulting Gibson into superstardom overnight.
Even if he had never written another word, Gibson's impact would be clearly seen in the works of such cutting- edge contemporary authors as Neal Stephenson, Pat Cadigan, and Paul DiFilippo. But, as it is, Neuromancer was just the beginning -- the first book in an inspired trilogy that has come to be considered a benchmark in the history of the genre; and since then, Gibson has gone on to create even more visionary science fiction, including The Difference Engine, a steampunk classic co-authored with Bruce Sterling, and such imaginative post-9/11 cyber thrillers as Pattern Recognition and Spook Country .
"Twenty years ago, it was as if someone turned on a light . The future blazed into existence with each deliberate word that William Gibson laid down. Neuromancer didn't just explode onto the science fiction scene. It permeated into our consciousness, our culture, our science, and our technology. The winner of the Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick Awards, Neuromancer showed us what we were capable of creating and what we were capable of destroying - and illuminated the dark corners of the path we were headed down." Today, we have this science fiction master piece to thank for the term "cyberpunk," for easing our way into the info rmation age and Internet society. Neuromancer's virtual reality has become our own. And yet, William Gibson's vision still manages to inspire the minds that will take us ever further into the future.
William Gibson is the author of Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Burning Chrome, Virtual Light, Idoru, All Tomorrow's Parties, and Pattern Recognition.
Science fiction owes an enormous debt to William Gibson, the cyberpunk pioneer who revolutionized the genre with his startling stories of tough, alienated loners adrift in a world of sinister high technolo...