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Babylon.JS Essentials

出版刊物 2024-12-07 589 0

Babylon.JS Essentials


Key Features Understand the basics of 3D (along with the theory) before practicing Each mini-project provides previous features, alongside the new feature you are learning, to supply the examples Learn from the best of the best, a developer at Micro soft , France Book Description Are you familiar with HTML5? Do you want to build exciting games and Web applications? Then e xplore the exciting world of game and Web development with one of the best frameworks out there: Babylon.JS. Starting from the beginning, the book introduces the required basics for 3D development and the knowl edge you need to use the Babylon.js framework. It focuses on the simplicity provided by Babylon.js and uses a combination of theory and practice. All the chapters are provided with example file s ready to run; each example file provides the previously learned features of the framework. Finally, developers will be ready to easily understand new features added to the framework in the future. What you will learn Understand what the TypeScript language is and its benefits (compared to JavaScript) in large projects such as 3D engines Learn the basics of 3D using Babylon.js without too much theory but with an emphasis on practice, for a better understanding of the architecture Know the usage of Material - a fundamental principle of 3D engines in Babylon.js - and then customize the appearance of 3D objects Integrate collisions and physics in game play . Understand the notion of impostor for physics simulation Manage, create, and spatialize audio tracks in 3D scenes Go further with the Babylon.js framework to create action s on events Create rendering effects provided by the Babylon.js framework, such as post-processes About the Author Julien Moreau-Mathis is a fan of 3D development. He started working with 3D development at the age of 17 and created a C++ framework named Comm unit y Play 3D. Now, he is a developer at Microsoft and he 3:40 PM 3/14/2016takes immense pleasure





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