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Surviving Object-Oriented Projects

出版刊物 2024-12-06 633 0

Surviving Object-Oriented Projects


Today, many organizations claim competitive market advantages resulting from the application of object-oriented technology and approaches in their soft ware development ef fort s. As the use of object technology has become increasingly widespread and mainstream, a growing number of project manager s are faced with a daunting task: keeping the object technology project on track and within budget. These project managers are burdened by the weight of knowing that the survival and ultimate success of the project hinges on their insight when planning the project and their responses to events that lie ahead. Unfortunately, hidden costs, unpleasant surprises and unrea list ic expectations lie in wait for the unprepared manager. Although much has been written about object technology and the benefits of this paradigm, there is still a shortage of compiled knowl edge about what to expect and to plan for during project implementation. This book provides info rmation that managers need to combat the unforeseen challenges that await them, allowing them to survive and ultimately succeed with an object-oriented project. To provide practical advice and guidelines for successfully managing an object-oriented project, the author borrows from the seasoned wisdom of numerous experts and successful consultants while also drawing on his personal experience and extensive knowledge. Surviving Object-Oriented Projects: A Manageris Guide points out potential hazards and names workable solutions by addressing the important issues of scheduling, budgeting, staf fing , and cost justification. Key points are supported and illustrated through short case studies taken from real object-oriented projects, and an appendix collects these workable guidelines and solutions into brief icrib sheetsio ideal for handy reference. 0201498340B06012001





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