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Between Winds and Clouds

出版刊物 2024-12-06 1033 0


Bin Yang is assistant professor of history at the National Univers it y of Singapore. His research interests cross temporal, geographical, and disciplinary boundaries and focus on Chinese ethnic and frontier studies in a broad context.

Between Winds and Clouds


Between Winds and Clouds tells the two-thousand-year history of Yunnan, an ethnic frontier bordered by Tibet, mainland Southeast Asia, and southwest China. Yunnan's prime geographic location turned the site into a center of cross-regional trade, and consequently, it became a desirable conquest for Eurasian rivals.

Bin Yang details the fight for military control of Yunnan and its demographic, administrative, and economic transformation into a local entity. In conclusion, he discusses the impact of Yunnan's imperial legacy on modern state building, or, conversely, the way in which the modern state has contributed to the development of imperial discourse. Deploying a unique cross-regional approach, Yang brings the activities of Southeast and East Asia, Tibet, the Indian Ocean, and modern Europe to bear on the history of Yunnan, emphasizing both the local and the international forces that play ed a role in the region's long-term transformation.

Bin Yang is assistant professor of history at the National University of Singapore. His research interests cross temporal, geographical, and disciplinary boundaries and focus on Chinese ethnic and frontier studies in a broad context.





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