This work attempts to fill an important gap in teacher professional preparation by focusing on the grammatical and lexical features that are essential for all ESL writing teachers and student-writers to know. The fundamental assumption is that before students of English for academic purposes can begin to successfully produce academic writing, they must have the foundations of language in place - the language tools (grammar and vocabulary) they need to build a text. This text offers a compendium of techniques for teaching writing, grammar and lexis to second-language learners that will help teachers effectively target specific problem areas of students' writing. Based on the findings of current research, including a large-scale study of close to 1500 non-native speakers' essays, this book works with several sets of simple rules that collectively can make a noticeable and important difference in the quality of ESL students' writing. The teaching strategies and techniques are based on a highly practical principle for efficiently and successfully maximizing learners' language gains.