导演: 让-保罗·卢弗
编剧: 让-保罗·卢弗 / 大卫·冯金诺斯
资源类型: 回忆 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载,百度云盘
主演: 米歇尔·布朗 / 安妮·科迪 / Mathieu Spinosi / 尚塔尔·罗比 / William Lebghil / 弗洛尔·博纳文图拉 / 奥黛丽·拉米 / 让-保罗·卢弗
制片国家/地区: 法国
语言 : 法语
上映日期: 2015-01-14
片长: 94分钟
IMDb链接: tt3519272
罗曼因为跑错墓地而错过了爷爷的葬礼。孤身一人的奶奶玛德琳在公寓摔倒住院。罗曼的父亲米歇尔认为玛德琳不便独自 生活 ,于是将她送往养老院。懂事的罗曼经常看望玛德琳,他发现住在养老院的玛德琳终日郁郁寡欢。一天,罗曼在陪同玛德琳参加一场葬礼时对女孩路易斯一见钟情,然而两人没有留下联系方式。葬礼结束,玛德琳希望回去自己的公寓,却发现公寓早已被米歇尔变卖。失魂落魄的她回到养老院不久便悄然离开。得知玛德琳失踪的米歇尔自责不已,直到收到玛德琳从诺曼底寄来的明信片才放下心来。因为担心奶奶的安全,罗曼即刻动身前往诺曼底。他在陪伴玛德琳重回年少时因为 战争 被迫离开的学校时,再次遇到路易斯。心满意足的玛德琳在与小朋友度过开心的一天后与世长辞。葬礼上,路易斯因为跑错墓地而错过,当她赶来时,看到等在那里的罗曼,二人相视一笑,一起离开。
Romain, 23, is the watchman of a small Paris hotel. He does not know it yet but he is about to become a nove list ... Madeleine is six decades older than him. She is his grandmother. Surprisingly enough, the age gap does not mean a thing for them: they mesh like magic. It looks as if they were born the same day. One day, Madeleine escapes from the nursing home where she has been placed against her will by her sons (one of whom, Michel, is Romain's father). Romain asks his employer for a leave and joins her in Etretat. Both have a wonderful day in the town of Madeleine's youth...


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