导演: 赵中兴
资源类型:驱魔童 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载,百度云盘
又名: 新桃太郎大显神威 / Child of Peach 2 / Magic of Spell
编剧: 赵中兴
主演: 林小楼 / 顾宝明 / 尤美芳
上映日期: 1988
IMDb链接: tt0122164
剧情 简介:
桃太郎與母親在桃花源裡 生活 ,一天,忽然來了一名叫「少一段」的男子,他因崇拜桃太郎而來拜師。另一方面,惡魔宮內長老欲置桃太郎於死地的同時,竟抓童男童女練功 ,桃太郎對此感到气憤,抉定打鬼。不料其母竟被惡魔殺死,此事令桃太郎與魔宮之仇更深!
Peach Boy and his mother live in a village. One day a young man comes to the village and asks Peach Boy as his teacher. At the same time, the Elder of Devil Palace kills his mother. The battle between Peach Boy and the devil is unavoidable.

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