导演: Melanie Light
编剧: Ed Pope
资源类型:牧群百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
又名: 饲养人
制片国家/地区: 英国
片长: 20分钟
IMDb链接: tt3820128
剧情 简介:
《牧群》作为第一部女权主义的素食恐怖 电影 ,“牛群”被一些电影节拒绝了,因为它太过恐怖或过于 政治 化。一些被绑架的妇女被关在一个肮脏的 医疗 设施里,他们被强迫劳役,这是被绑架者一时兴高采烈的结果,没有任何营救或逃跑的希望。
The first feminist vegan horror film, The Herd has been rejected by some film festivals for being too horrific or political. A number of kidnapped women are kept imprisoned in a squalid medical facility condemned to a life of enforced servitude at the whims of their captors, without any hope of rescue or escape.