导演: 庾河
编剧: 庾河 / 乃南朝
又名: 狼嚎(台) / 疾风 / 嚎劫 / Howling / The Killer Wolf
资源类型:嚎叫 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载,百度云盘
主演: 宋康昊 / 李奈映 / 申正根 / 李星民 / 南宝拉 / 金东允
类型: 惊悚
制片国家/地区: 韩国
上映日期: 2012-02-16(韩国)
片长: 114分钟
IMDb链接: tt2186819
剧情 简介:
停车场内,乞丐目睹了一场自焚事件,毒贩在车内被熊熊烈火化为灰烬。警方随即封锁现场,仕途不得意的中年警官尚吉(宋康昊 饰),刚调入刑警队恩英(李娜英 饰),共同接手此案。经过尸检,尚吉发现死者的皮带扣中暗藏玄机,而且在事故发生前,死者曾经被烈性犬咬伤。尚吉和恩英顺藤摸瓜,查到了一个逼迫未成年少女卖淫、贩毒的 犯罪 集团。但是在查案过程中,贪功心切的尚吉并不向 领导 汇报,也不与同僚分享案情。与此同时,搭档恩英还要忍受被其他前辈羞辱。案发后,烈性犬继续伤人,而且目标准确,一击毙命,此案经媒体渲染后引起高层关注,恩英不顾尚吉阻拦,孤注一掷沿着训犬师的线索跟踪追查,逐渐接近了真相,然而死亡的威胁也随之而来……本片根据 日本 女 小说 家乃南朝获得日本直木奖的小说《冰冻的犬齿》改编拍摄。
Veteran detective Sang-gil and beat cop Eun-yeong are in charge of a case that seems to involve a simple act of self-immolation. Sang-gil initially thinks that it was an accident, but dog bite marks discovered on the body lead him to believe that someone had terrorized and murdered the victim. He and Eun-yeong investigate the source of the drugs found in the body and discover the victim had been pimping out young girls. At the same time, another murder involving a wolf-dog crossbreed occurs The two cases are labeled serial killings. With a connection between the victims uncovered, Sang-gil and Eun-yeong track down a potential witness. While questioning her, one of the mysterious dogs strikes out of the blue, killing the witness and stunning the cops.


资源: 迅雷云盘 提取码:aqeq
资源:百度网盘 提取码:h9u4