导演: 陈玉勋
编剧: 陈玉勋
资源类型: 爱情 来了 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载,百度云盘
主演: 坣娜 / 施易男 / 黄子佼 / 杨洁玫 / 陈进兴 / 廖慧珍 / 马念先
类型: 喜剧
语言 : 汉语普通话
上映日期: 1998-09-16(中国台湾)
片长: 112分钟
又名: Love Go Go
IMDb链接: tt0168973
剧情 简介:
电影 分为三个短片。 阿盛在面包房 工作 ,业余爱好是唱歌。某日,阿盛的小学同学丽华突然来到了店里买面包,然而丽华却并没有认出阿盛。阿盛爱上了丽华,却没有勇气向她表白心迹,于是他决定参加一场歌唱比赛,以彰显自己的真心。 某日,女孩捡到了一支手机,她联系上了失主,没想到两人却聊得特别 投机 。终于,在失主的要求下女孩决定同他见面,那隐藏在手机背后的,究竟会是一个怎样的人呢? 阿松是一名推销员,感情 生活 一片空白,事业亦死气沉沉没有希望。某日,他来到丽华的理发店,却目睹了一场捉奸的闹剧,丽华因为误会被卷入其中。阿松出手相救,两人逃到了天台之上。
Ah-Sheng is a baker. He loves singing a lot although he sings poorly. For a long time, he has been thinking about participating in a singing contest program on the cable TV. One day, he meets his dream girl who went to the same elementary school. Her name is Li-Hua. She does not remember Ah-Sheng any more. His inferiority complex makes him ashamed to tell her that he used to be her best friend in the elementary school. The only thing he can do is to secretly watch her buying lemon pies in the bakery. Seeing Li-Hua again light s up his love toward her. Also, it reminds him of the sweet memories of their past. When they were little, they both believed in the existence of the "Invisible Man." Therefore, they always investigated the whereabout of the "Invisible Man" together. The night before the graduation, Li-Hua disappeared. From then on, Ah-Sheng began to assume that Li-Hua has become invisible and kept him company ever since. Finding Li-Hua again is a great opport unit y that Ah-Sheng wants to hold on to. Thus, he wants to express his feeling toward Li-Hua by joining the singing contest on the cable TV.

愛情來了.Love.Go.Go.1997.BD1080P. 国语 中字.mp4(2.16GB)

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资源:百度网盘 提取码:cbbq