导演: 牧田佳织
编剧: 濑古浩司
资源类型:鸣鸟不飞:乌云密布百度云盘, 百度网盘 ,ed2k下载
主演: 新垣樽助 / 羽多野涉 / 安元洋贵 / 小野友树 / 大川透 / 兴津和幸 / 三宅健太 / 高濑右光 / 佐藤拓也 / 三宅贵大
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言 : 日语
上映日期: 2020-02-15(日本)
片长: 86分钟
又名: Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai: The Clouds Gather
IMDb链接: tt10675392
剧情 简介:
矢代个性超M又变态的人,从不会让别人看透他的内心。某天身边来了一名叫做百目鬼力的随从兼保镖。虽然早早就下定决心,绝不对不会对部下出手,但矢代不知为何,被百目鬼所深深吸引。彼此怀抱着自己的伤痛而活着的两人,他们的 故事 即将开始。
Yashiro is the young leader of Shinseikai and the president of the Shinseikai Enterprise, but like so many powerful men, he leads a double life as a deviant and a masochist. Doumeki Chikara comes to work as a bodyguard for him and, although Yashiro had decided that he would never lay a hand on his own men, he finds there's something about Doumeki that he can't resist. Yashiro makes advances toward Doumeki, but Doumeki has mysterious reasons for denying. Yashiro, who abuses his power just to abuse himself, and Doumeki, who faithfully obeys his every command, begin the tumultuous affair of two men with songs in their hearts and no wings to fly.

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