第一次看到Nereda这个词还是前两天看到的一则新闻《好氧颗粒污泥污水处理厂(国内首座)通过竣工验收》 ,之前通过彭永臻院士的视频课程 好氧颗粒污泥新技术(视频) 首次了解到好氧颗粒污泥技术,当时还在想这种技术在国内实际工程中较难实现,没成想,我天朝又给了无知的我一记响亮的耳光。于是乎,我就想重新认识一下好氧颗粒污泥技术,首先来具体了解下Nereda好氧颗粒污泥技术。
Nereda是一种利用好氧颗粒生物质的独特特性来净化水的污水处理技术,可以使用由微生物构成的致密颗粒污泥来对废水进行净化。 该技术由荷兰代尔夫特大学发明,并由代尔夫特大学、荷兰应用水研究基金会(STOWA)、荷兰水务局和Royal HaskoningDHV组成的PPP项目发展而来。 目前,全球共有25家全规模的污水处理厂投入运营,64家正在建设或设计中。Nereda网站:http://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/nereda。
Nereda具有可持续性和成本效益:它需要传统活性污泥装置面积的四分之一,并且该工艺可减少高达50%的能源成本。这项获奖技术是由荷兰代尔夫特理工大学发明的,由该大学、荷兰应用水研究基金会(STOWA)、荷兰水务局和皇家哈斯科宁格达夫公司(Royal HaskoningDHV)通过独特的公私合作关系开发而成。
Nereda is the wastewater treatment technology that purifies water using the unique features of aerobic granular biomass.
Nereda is sustainable and cost-effective: it requires a quarter of the area of conventional activated sludge installations and the process can reduce up to 50% on energy costs. The award-winning technology was invented by the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and developed in a unique public-private partnership between the University, the Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA), the Dutch Water Authorities and Royal HaskoningDHV.
Biomass in Nereda develops as fast settling aerobic granular sludge.
These granules have excellent settling properties and therefore Nereda does not require a separate time-consuming decant phase like conventional SBR's. Further, all the biological treatment processes take place simultaneously in the granules, requiring only one tank.
Due to the distinctive characteristics of aerobic granular biomass, Nereda technology uses an optimised SBR cycle:
Simultaneous influent feed and effluent discharge.
Simultaneous biological removal of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus components.
Fast settling phase, in this phase the biomass is separated from the effluent and Nereda is ready for a new cycle.
Since the effluent is pushed out of the tank, discharge of the effluent does not require moving decanters.
Depending on the wastewater flow and characteristics, a Nereda plant comprises multiple modular reactors (often 3) or a combination of a feed buffer tank plus one or two reactors.
Since the detailed configuration of Nereda is quite flexible, the technology can often be used to convert existing conventional CAS or SBR plants into a Nereda. Often the technology enables the use of approximately a two times higher biomass concentration, with outstanding biomass settling characteristics. As a result of a retrofit to Nereda, the biological and/or hydraulic capacity of existing plants will be significantly increased and/or the effluent quality will be considerably improved.
In a hybrid application, a new Nereda plant is fed with only part of the plants raw wastewater while the remaining part is treated by the existing conventional treatment system. An important additional advantage of such a hybrid extension is that by feeding of granular surplus sludge from the Nereda into the conventional activated sludge reactors will augment the activated sludge. By this inoculation process, the sludge characteristics and settling performance of the activated sludge will improve, resulting in improved sludge settling characteristics, increased capacity and enhanced biological nutrient removal.
- 同时进水和出水排放。
- 同时生物去除有机物、氮和磷组分。
- 快速沉淀阶段,在这一阶段,生物质从废水中分离出来,Nereda准备好进行新的循环。
- 由于流出物被推出罐外,因此不需要移动滗水器来排放废水。
- WIOA (2017), An operator's perspective; the first Nereda WWTP in Kingaroy, Australia
- WISA (2016), Delivering sustainable wastewater treatment using Aerobic Granular Sludge – The Nereda Story
- WEFTEC (2016),Aerobic Granular Biomass Technology recent performance data, lessons learnt and retrofitting
- SIWW (2016), Aerobic Granular Biomass Technology advancements in design_applications and further developments
- IWA Specialist Conference on Nutrient Removal and Recovery (2016), Full-scale Experiences With Aerobic Granular Biomass Technology For Wastewater Treatment
- WEFTEC (2015), Aerobic Granular Biomass Technology: further innovation, system development and design optimisation
- Magdeburger Abwassertage (2015), Innovative wastewater treatment using aerobic granular sludge
- Ozwater (2015), Aerobic Granular Sludge Nereda Technology Applications
- Singapore IWW (2014), Full-scale Experiences with Aerobic Granular Biomass Technology for Treatment of Urban and Industrial Wastewater
- 100 years Activated Sludge (2014), Aerobic granular biomass: setting the new standard for cost-effective, energy efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment
- IWW Amsterdam (2013), Full- scale Experiences with Aerobic Granular Biomass Technology for Treatment of Urban and Industrial Wastewater
- 7th European Waste Water Management Conference (2013), Aerobic granular biomass technology: scale-up and field experience
- OZWater (2013), Operating Results from the First Full Scale Aerobic Granular Sludge Nereda Plant
- Aqua & Gas (2017), Leistungsfähiges biologisches Abwasserbehandlungsverfahren für die Schweiz (German)
- UK Water Projects (2016), Nereda a pathway to sustainable wastewater treatment in the UK
- Utilities (2016), Energiezuinige waterzuivering verdient zichzelf terug_Nereda Westfort (Dutch)
- Water Leader (2016), SA Water Innovation_Microbial Granules in Nutrient Removal
- Nereda.net (2016), Ryki WWTP, First Nereda in Poland
- WWT (2015). A step change in wastewater treatment comes to Ireland
- Neue Obwaldner Zeitung (2015),Reinigung nach holandischem Vorbild_Nereda Alpnach (German)
- The Source (2015), Interview with Professor Mark van Loosdrecht
- NRC Handelsblad (2015),Klontjes bacteriën maken beter schoon dan vlokjes (Dutch)
- IWA Water Research (2015), Full scale performance of the aerobic granular sludge process for sewage treatment
- SAICE Civil Engineering Magazine (2015) Achieving cost-effective and sustainable wastewater treatment using Nereda
- Water21 (2015) Recovery and reuse of alginate from granular Nereda sludge
- Het Waterschap (2015) Innovaties dankzij gouden driehoek. Nereda breekt internationaal door (Dutch)
- World Water (2015) Nereda technology gains worldwide recognition
- Zillion (2015) Revolutionising wastewater treatment
- STW UPDATE (2014) Nederlandse waterzuivering als exportproduct (Dutch)
- Connect Magazine (2014), Nereda: the green revolution in wastewater treatment
- WWI Magazine (2013), Is Nereda Really a Game Changer?
- Water21 (2013), Nereda technology exceeds high expectations
- Water Sewage & Effluent (2013), Wastewater treatment landscape changes forever
- Water21 (2012), Aerobic granular biomass, the new standard for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment?
https://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/en-gb/nereda/videos PS:视频均在YouTube,需通过油管播放~
■ 纯生物质,无需支持介质
■ 优异的处理效果和沉降性能
■ 可显著节省投资和运行成本
■ 非常小的占地面积(最多可减至四分之一)
■ 高节能(最多高达 50%)
■ 使用不产生废弃物的化学药剂
■ 无臭味
■ 运行简单